Perfect Health Program

What is the Perfect Health Program?

This is an 8-Week, Personally Coached Program by Mary-Ann Shearer

My friend referred me to your health program.  I was feeling unfit, unhealthy, and overweight, which I was.  I’m 1.57m and I weighed 71 kgs & I’m 58 years old.  I have been living in the U.K for 11 years now and I was “trying” to eat healthily, but nothing worked.  I found it so easy to do.  I love fruit and fresh veggies and found it no hardship at all, in fact it is such an easy lifestyle to keep.  I have got down to my goal weight now of 54 kgs and I feel so fit and well, I have not felt so well for years.  I won’t ever change my eating habits thanks to this program, I wish I’d known about it years ago.   

Thank you so much. 


The Perfect Health Program was developed by Mary-Ann for people who have chronic and irritating health problems that they have been unable to correct, and, they feel they need a health coach nearby to guide and direct them to take control of their health and lives again!

From teaching and consulting for over 30 years, Mary-Ann realized that sometimes people need someone to hold their hand through the healing process, so she developed an online “personally coached program” – A support system that offers a program that works better than 1 on 1 and she has made the time to coach these closed groups only 4 times a year.

 As Mary-Ann no longer does 1-on-1 consultations and has been focusing more on education. She has found that group coaching is more effective than private consultations  because it is a ‘community’ and that this community, together with her weekly and daily input, provides all the inspiration, education, motivation, and structure you need to get your health completely on track.

 In fact, what develops, is a tribe of like-minded people who come together from all over the world. These groups are small, between 15-30 people, just enough for the right support but not too many for anyone to feel left out or neglected.

Mary-Ann, this is absolutely the most exciting journey!!!  God bless you for sharing your knowledge with us all.  I’ve been learning & applying for about 6 weeks now & LOVING IT!!! I feel wonderful, have lost about 14 pounds, feel so good, and look better too. Thank you a million times.  I’ve been praying for this for years.


Who is this for?

This course is for anyone who wants to..

  1. Stop wasting time and money trying to find someone or something who can cure them of their irritating or debilitating health issues.
  2. For anyone who wants to take back their health but has no idea where to start or how to do so.
  3. Know why and how your body works and how you can work with your body.
  4. For individuals (young or old) and families who are frustrated with their health issues.
  5. For people who no longer want to fear the next virus or dread disease.
  6. For people who are sick and tired of being sick and/or tired.
  7. For people who want a natural, science-based program to form a lifelong track to guide them to Perfect Health.
  8. For parents who want a safe, healthy practical approach to get their children truly healthy

What can it do for you?

This Perfect Health Program will not only arm you with the knowledge to be able to stay healthy, but also arm your body with the natural immunity needed to protect you against any dread disease, virus or bacteria. It will revolutionize your health on several levels and could save you in excess of $8000 a year (which is the average out-of-pocket amount spent every year on over the counter meds and supplements in the average US citizen’s life)

It can result in you not having any medical bills due to ill health for the rest of your life, if you keep following the principles you learn. Imagine never having another medical bill due to ill health ever!?

This program is designed to help you;  

  1. Take your health back whoever you are and wherever you live
  2. Will save you an enormous amount of time, money & stress.
  3. Gives you a lifetime track to run on.

This is not about giving things up – rather it’s about adding more things to your existing diet as you progress week-by-week, and as you do that, your body starts to crave the good stuff.

I have successfully completed the programme and I AM LOVING IT. No more headache pills, constipation, fatigue, cramps and bloating etc.: incredible!

Thank you again, Michelle C

Step 1 to signing up:

  1. You need to email Claudia at and she will contact you with a convenient time for your 30-45 minute free health assessment with Mary-Ann to see if the program can help you.
  2. If you are, you will then join the next group available.. (Jan 6)
  3. There will be an ‘exit assessment’ in the bonus week at the end.

At the end of 7 weeks you will each book a slot for your final private consultation with Mary-Ann. A bonus 8th week will be added for this reason AND to plan the way ahead to make certain you have clear direction. The goal is, that within the 8 weeks you will develop a strong foundation on which to build your health, so that you never have poor health again.

These are the lessons/topics That will be covered.

  1. Time and Money – 3 principles save you both
  2. Stress Management – 3 principles help you manage your stress
  1. What is wrong with our diet? 
  1. Digestion & energy
  2. Best foods for clean-burning energy
  3. Foods & things that drain energy
  4. Foods & things that boost energy
  1. Scientific process & why digestion can drain or increase energy
  2. Digestive for energy
  3. Digestive problems & endocrine connection
  4. Foods that help digestion
  5. Foods that hinder digestion
  6. Hormones and digestion 
  1. Exercise and stress
  2. Exercise and hormones
  3. Exercise and digestion
  4. Exercise and sleep
  5. Exercise and the mind, depression, anxiety 
  1. Best fuel & food for the brain
  2. Brain and cholesterol & fats
  3. Brain & Neuro-Endocrine connection
  4. Brain and exercise 
  5. Foods that cause brain fog
  6. Brain, food & habits
  7. Most harmful substances to the brain
  8. Moods, anxiety, depression & stress
  9. The Brain and light 
  10. Headaches
  1. Sleep and stress
  2. Sleep and hormones
  3. Sleep and digestion
  4. Sleep and healing 
  5. Sleep and the mind, depression, anxiety
  1. The evidence
  2. Implementing the principles
  3. Superfoods – the real ones, not the hype
  4. Cravings and how to satisfy

Thank you for this opportunity you have given to me.  Just wonderful!!  I appreciate being shown how to live naturally I have had a real problem with allergies which are now gone. God pour His blessings on you and your family.  


  1. Stress points – the F words
  2. Stress and emotional balance
  3. Spiritual balance – what does science say
  4. Relaxation & meditation
  5. Breathing
  6. Pure white brain poison
  7. Medicating madness
  8. Pure Liquid brain poison
  9. Natural Help
  1. Switching on the lights
  2. Out in the open
  3. Water, water everywhere
  4. Happy Hormones
  5. Vision & Purpose – Why a vision? Where do you start? What if it’s too big?
  6. Emotional balance and relationships & effect on health
  7. We work through the practicalities of what a normal day would look like for you and your family
On acceptance into the course and payment being made, you will receive the following.. Delivered to your door..
  1. A hardcopy each of Mary-Ann’s 3 books – Perfect Health, Take Control and Healthy Kids (you will be directed to read certain sections at certain times during the program)
  2. Mary-Ann’s 3 Seasoning Salts – to help you make any dish or food taste spectacular.
  3. Mary-Ann’s Dehydrated Vegetable Stock – to give your dishes a solid healthy and tasty foundation.
  4. Mary-Ann’s Malted Carob – a hot or cold drink replacement.
  5. An herbal cleansing product – to help clean the colon so that you absorb nutrients more efficiently and get rid of parasites
  6. The most nutritious dehydrated green juice that will help the most important system (the Endocrine System) in your body to function more efficiently so that your body can heal itself.
  7. A plant-based source of Omega 3’s that is perfectly balanced for endocrine (Hormonal, Immune & Brain Health systems)

(Total Value of delivered products $285)

  1. An emailed recipe folder containing over 100 simple & easy recipes that anyone can make!
  2. 50 emails directly to your inbox! (One a Day for the 7 weeks!)
  3. Access to several of our other online programs that are not personally coached, but that you can access for life without subscription. These will help support you after you have completed the program;
    1. 30-Day Detox (including the 9 & 21-day programs) (Valued @ $100)
    2. 30-Day Maintenance (Valued at $50)
  • 100-days to health (Valued @ $150)
  1. Vegan 101 – An Introduction to Plant-based Living (Valued @ $100)
  2. 365 – My Year of Health (Valued @ $365)
  1. You will also receive – should you wish to study further, The Natural Health & Nutrition Combined Courses (which includes the Natural Health Business & Consulting courses – a 50% discount off the total combined price) this discount is valued at a minimum of $3500
  2. You will be able communicate with Mary-Ann (& the group) through WhatsApp outside of the weekly scheduled meet-up.. (approx.. $500)
  3. Mary-Ann will meet with you, in person, on the group, once a week through a Zoom live Q&A session (60-90 minutes) (approx.. $500)
  4. A bonus week for any last minute advice needed. (approx.. $500)
  5. Preferential booking at future Annual Health Retreats in The African Bush where Mark & Mary-Ann will live with you for at least a week and make and eat meals together and get to know them and your peers in a relaxed and inspiring.

(Total Value of extra courses $5715!) Add to that delivered Products value of $285 makes a…Total of accessible Value of extras of $6000!! Almost triple your investment in this course, AND.. if you enroll within 24 hours of your completing your Health Assessment with Mary-Ann, you qualify for an extra and immediate discount of $500!)

The total investment in this course is         $ 2797

less the $500 for prompt investment =     $ 2297

Compared to more than                              $ 6000 worth of goods and services

PLUS a potential saving of                           $ 8000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses just in the first year!

That is more than $11,000 additional value!

To get started, you need to email Claudia at and she will contact you with a convenient time for your 30-45 minute free Health Assessment with Mary-Ann to see if we are a good fit for each other..

Once you have completed the program, you can become a Perfect Health Facilitator and encourage others to enroll on the Perfect Health Program

For each person you enroll, and who pays for the program, you will be rewarded with 10% of the enrollment fee.

If you have 10 people you enroll you will effectively receive back your own fee in full. You may enroll as many people as you like and keep receiving 10%.

If the people you enroll also enroll others you will receive 5% of their enrollment fee and if those people enroll others, you will receive 3% on their fees from our Loyalty Rewards Program.


  • A Free 30-40 min initial zoom Health Assessment upfront
  • 7 weeks (49 days) of small group coaching
  • A Bonus week and follow up Health Assessment & a future Strategy Plan
  • Daily email support and encouragement
  • Daily whatsapp support
  • Weekly support with Mary-Ann Shearer personally on Zoom (Live Q & A) in a small group
  • Plus 5 PdF books
    1. take control
    2. Perfect Health
    3. Perfect weight
    4. Healthy Kids
    Over 100 Recipes
  • A Plant-based 101 course (BONUS)
  • Savings of over $8000 a year minimum on over-the counter meds & supplements
  • Acces to 6 other courses & discounts on Nutrition & Business studies wortn over $5000
  • Including a 1 Year Program "365 my year of Health" with 1 year free weekly/monthly Q&A sessions
  • Four quaterly zoom assessments for 1 year after completion of the course to help plan for seasonal detox programs & suggest any changes that may be necessary and track health
  • Certificate of completion as a registred natural Health Facilitator and Coach

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